
The Piney-Z Homeowners Association (HOA) is a Florida non-profit corporation formed in 1997.  All Piney-Z homeowners are members of the HOA.  The five HOA Board of Directors members are volunteer homeowners elected by the HOA membership and serve staggered two-year terms.  Board members are elected at the HOA Annual Meeting in July.
The mission of Piney-Z HOA is to preserve and enhance property values by demonstrating resident-friendly policies, maintaining common areas, and upholding the Covenants & Restrictions. Several committees assist in encouraging our community standards, promoting public safety, and organizing social events. Residents are encouraged to join committees and help keep our community vibrant and beautiful.
The HOA Board of Directors is responsible for collecting assessments, sustaining the community design standards, maintaining all HOA-owned property, and conducting all HOA business according to the HOA governing documents and Chapters 617 and 720 of Florida Statutes.
HOA Board Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every other month at 6:30 p.m. (unless the date coincides with a holiday week) at the Piney-Z Lodge (950 Piney-Z Plantation Road).  The Annual Meeting is held in July.  All homeowners and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend! See the Meetings tab for the current meeting schedule.
Lewis Property Management, LLC of Tallahassee, manages Piney-Z's day-to-day operations. The Piney-Z Lodge, Pool, Pavilion, and Playground are managed by the Piney-Z Community Development District (CDD).  The CDD operates an office in the Piney-Z Lodge.  Information about the CDD may be found at  https://www.pineyzcdd.com/
Since the Piney-Z Lodge does not have a real estate office, neither the HOA nor the CDD Property Manager can answer real estate inquiries.
Lewis Property Management, LLC
7113 Beech Ridge Trail, Suite 2
Tallahassee, FL 32312

Office Phone: (850) 668-1173
Mobile Phone: (850) 443-8612
Email: lewis@lewispm.com
Fax: (850) 765-4353